Cesc Fabregas disappointed in former Barcelona boss Pep Guardiola

Cesc Fabregas, who currently plays for Ligue 1 side Monaco, expressed disappointment in his former manager Pep Guardiola.

Guardiola brought in the 33-year-old to Catalonia in the summer of 2011 from Arsenal after being impressed with his performances for the Gunners.

The Catalans secured four major trophies during the midfielder’s first full season, but failed to add La Liga and the Champions League.

Pep opted to leave the Spanish side at the end of the season, and took a year’s break from management before taking the hot seat at Bayern Munich.

Fabregas admitted he hasn’t talked to his former boss since his exit from Camp Nou, and hinted their relationship hasn’t been good.

On being asked whether he has been in contact with the 49-year-old, he told CCMA: “No, no, with Pep nothing at all.

“I don’t know if the disappointment with Pep is mutual. Things happened, but I prefer not to talk about it. Pep was my idol since I was a child. It is from him that I have learned the most, perhaps, since I was four until now.”

The Spain international had departed Barcelona to join Chelsea in the summer of 2014 and won his first Premier League title under the then Blues boss Jose Mourinho.

The experienced midfielder has praised Mourinho, who is the current manager of Tottenham, for helping him to get his form back in London.

“Mourinho inspired me the most when I left Barca,” he added.

“He told me that we had had our issues on the pitch when he was at Chelsea and I was at Arsenal and then when he was coaching at Real Madrid and I was at Barcelona, but that for him, it all ended there. We turned the page.

“He told me about his project. I had to go where I thought I would do best, the decision was mine and it didn’t depend on what people said. I prioritised the professional [aspect], and today I still write to him and I consider him a friend.

“He helped me a lot at a difficult time in my career and perhaps I played one of my best seasons with him.”

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